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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


Fusion Energi Member
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About rdytogo52

  1. For quite sometime i have been on the Chevy Volt forum getting advice and learning the good and the bad about Volt form owners nationwide. I also did my research on the car. As you can see the Volt was for me. We have two 2010 Ford Fusion Hybrids and we are very satisfied with them. Very good gas milage and fill up approxamatly every 3 to 4 weeks. Dispite how much i liked our Fusion Hybrids i wanted more, as in milage and speed so i deciced to trade in my hybrid for a Volt. To make a long story short, I went on a weekend to order my Volt with my downpayment and boy was i excited. Going to get me a Volt. Well things didn't go as smooth as i thought it would. I went to order a car not to try to puchase one that day. You all know how salesmen are, he ordered the car the way i wanted but did not actually send the order in because he would try to sell me one off the lot that someone did not purchase. It was more that my budget could afford, but i like a fool fell into his trap and now i am trying to purchase the car. This was on Veterans Day credit union was close. I had none of my research papers in front of me about my Ford Fusion Hybrid trade in or any other papers that i needed. But again i kept getting deeper and deeper into the sale. After all was said and done the salesman said Do you want to put down the money you brought to order your car for this car. This money will be to held it until he would get all the figures from the Credit Union and draw up the sales papers and i said OK. I left the car lot not feeling at all good, and on the way home just thinking about the decision i made. How stupid of me. When i got home and looked over my papers i found out that i was not at all getting a good trade in on my Fusion as a matter of fact he was just picking up the balance. Was i upset ! I emailed, text and left a message on his voice mail saying forget the salespapers for the time being and tear up the check i need to retreat and start all over again at a later time to get myself and my information together. I was back to square one, and still wanted the car. A couple of days later, guess what? I saw the new 2013 Ford Fusion Hybrid and Plug up Energi on the news. What else can i say. I am on the Ford Fusion Hybrid - Plugup Energi Forum. Hello everybody!
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