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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


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About tflondon

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  1. Hello!  Did you ever get any help with this issue? Something is wrong when Ford doesn't address this obvious problem. 

    Here's what I just posted



    Any other Fusion Energi owners see a sudden and drastic drop in battery performance? Last week, my usual 21-25 electric miles from a full charge plummeted over night to exactly THIRTEEN MILES. Just got back from dealer service where they pronounced my battery as perfect and gave me a sheet of nonsense like temperature and tire pressure! They completely punted.

  2. I drive about 10 miles at freeway speed and 15 miles in stop/go traffic. I usually turn on the ICE for the freeway driving, and then switch to battery when I get to the stop/go traffic. It is only taking about 4.5KW to charge the car now when it use to take 6+. I was trying to find someplace where the warranty indicates what "normal range" loss is, but it seems to be lacking that information. I asked the dealer last time I had the car in for an oil change and they had no idea, said he wasn't even sure what the process was to test the battery. He would have to reach out to Ford if I wanted to leave my car for a few days.
  3. I have a 2014 and I am only getting about 12 miles on a charge now, was getting closer to 20+ when I first got the car. I charge my car at least twice a day, once at work and then again when I return home. Does anyone know what the warranty is on the battery?
  4. On my way to work this morning it was 68 outside and when I turned on the AC and set it to 65 all I got was hot air, the only way I could get the AC to blow cold air was to turn it to LO. Even setting it to 60 the heat would come out full blast when on AUTO. Any ideas where I should look first, it is a 2014 Energi but have almost 50K miles so it is out of warranty. Thanks!
  5. Hi Meagan, I sent you a PM to see if you can help. They are "Trying" to replace a module but he didn't sound to confident that was the answer. Thanks for any help. -Todd
  6. Hi, Thank you so much for the advise! I just heard from the dealer that they were told to re-program "All" of the modules one at a time. If that doesn't work I will engage FordService. Thanks!
  7. Hi, I have a 2014 Fusion Energi and I was driving to work yesterday and the wrench light came on about 1/2 way there but seemed to be running fine. I stopped to check the owners manual and it said to service the car soon. I went to re-start the car and the wrench light along with the check engine and Stop Safely triangle all come on and the car would not move. I was able to get a tow to the dealer, they have had the card since yesterday and said they have tried several things. They even reloaded/rebooted the car (as the service manager put it) but were now waiting on Ford because they didn't know what to do next. I am just concerned that they will take a really long time since they are stumped as to the problem. Any advise on how to manage the situation along so the car doesn't just sit there? I could be wrong but it seems like the dealer(s) don't have a lot of experience with handling the electrical problems. I had a problem about 6 months ago where the remote start wouldn't work and it took 3 trips to the dealer (2-3 days at a time) before they got that problem fixed. Any help/guidance would appreciated. Thanks, Todd
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