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Ford Fusion Energi Forum


Fusion Energi Member
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About jposs

  1. My dealer told me that those were the noise canceling mics.
  2. I saw your edit too late! Thanks for the offer. We picked up the other car and I am very happy. I like the Ruby Red but think the black looks so much better. The Lane Assist was fun to play with and we just love the car to pieces. Thanks to everyone for all your help along the way!
  3. I've hijacked your car. You can have it for 25 free battery charges at your house. Also I have returned my original ordered car which arrived May 27th and picked up the black one that is fully loaded, 3FA6P0SU4DR260483.
  4. It's good to know it had a little pre wash before I got it. lol And I am not going to take that bet, I am guessing you're probably right! If I have time to pick up a couple of bottles of wine I will, they did the right thing. Leif Johnson Ford in Austin by the way. They deserve your business if you're in the area.
  5. Looks like everything is going to work out a ok. They are going to VIN swap the car we ordered for the black loaded car which makes the deal just a little bit sweeter. We will end up with park assist which we hadn't ordered but I wanted (+795) and the color I wanted (wife wanted Ruby Red -395). So virtually we are getting the car for $100 under invoice, whereas we had agreed to $300 over so I can't complain too much. It means another trip to Austin, but the universe has conspired to get me the exact car I wanted and my wife is agreeing to it. I would like to think of this as some kind of strange positive karma. Keep in mind this will be my wife's car so I tried to let her have what she wanted, but the Universe knew I was right all along.
  6. I ordered my car back in February. We agreed on a price of $300 above invoice. I was happy with that. The salesman had printed out the options I wanted, we agreed to the price, signed it, but I had forgotten to get a copy. We made a few changes after the fact to the order (within a few days) and it was all confirmed in writing over email. The order was made. I had requested 3 or 4 times (heck maybe 5) to get a copy of the written order, but never did. I got my VIN a few days before build date. I was excited, looked up my window sticker and awaited the car. It came in on Memorial Day but I wasn't able to pick it up until today. Unfortunately I somehow missed the fact that on the window sticker they had left out the Driver Assist package. As a matter of fact I somehow managed to miss that fact until we were driving it home. 65 miles away. lol So I frantically pull out the window sticker that had been placed in the glove box before we had seen the car and sure enough there was no Driver Assist package listed. I put partial blame on myself for not noticing it when the window sticker first came online. Of course the only reason I even knew I could do that was because of this board, not the dealer. I call my salesman, but he had already gone home for the day. They didn't include the original agreement we had made with the options we had chosen when I initially ordered the car in all our paperwork, but it was certainly there before I signed anything because I looked at it. My salesman has also remembered us putting on Driver Assist, as the only option we had left off was the Park Assist. So, tomorrow I guess we will figure out what the hell we will do. I am hoping maybe they can find one just like the one that was supposed to have been ordered by the dealership. Failing that I know they have one in stock that is a different color (black) but has every option we wanted, with Park Assist also. I was going to buy that car but they wouldn't sell it for $300 over invoice as it was ordered as a stock model. I am hoping they will do the decent thing and sell us that car at the $300 over invoice we had agreed to on the car they ordered incorrectly. It was really bittersweet the last 50 miles trying to enjoy the car but knowing it wasn't what we had ordered. It's beautiful and drives so nicely and we really love all the features and its so fun finding new little things, just in the short time we had it. Like I said, I partially blame myself for not catching it earlier, but even if I had, the first opportunity I had to catch it was after the window sticker was posted, and then it was too late to change it anyway. We will soon see how the dealership steps up! Other than that significant but relatively simple mistake I have to say the dealership was very easy to work with, especially my salesman. Thanks again for the reference Shaggy.
  7. We have our car for now! I am afraid we are going to have to return it though. When the car was ordered they failed to add the Driver Assist package which I didn't notice until I had already driven off the lot. Whoops! I've talked to my salesman and we are going to work it out in the morning.
  8. Yeah I will call today to let them know I am pushing up to Thursday. I was close to pulling the trigger on that black Ti but they wanted $1500 more for it, so we decided to wait. Did you see ours there?
  9. My car arrived at the dealer yesterday which is awesome. Unfortunately I'm not going to be able to pick it up until Thursday. They quoted a delivery date of 5/27 when it was built. It was delivered on 5/27. It's tough knowing its there and waiting for me longingly. Shaggy you can go and drool on it ;)
  10. I received my second coupon yesterday so I should be good to go when my car arrives. I still have an eta of May 27th, which of course is Memorial Day.
  11. I cheated and entered the contest without having my car. It's supposed to be here by the 27th of this month, so please don't report me to the internet police.
  12. I did the same thing, my coupon has long since expired, and I ordered another one. Hopefully I'll get a new coupon but I'm not holding my breath.
  13. I am in San Antonio, but bought the car from a dealer in Austin since there aren't any EV certified dealers in SA yet. My car apparently goes to Fort Worth, then San Antonio, and then back up to Austin. My ETA is May 29th as well, but hopefully it will be here a few days sooner. It's about time, has anyone waited longer than you have?
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